Sunday, June 27, 2021

 Cats are great subjects to photograph. I have three at home, plus regular visitors. Here's Chooti having a nap in her own flamboyant style.

For more cat pictures, and videos on how to photograph cats, visit my You tube channel Impulse SL. Here's the link:

Title: Cats are fantastic models

 I was doing some street photography after the first lockdown in 2020 when this woman came up, smiled, and asked what I was doing. I said I was taking pictures for the paper. Actually, it was more for myself, there are few people out here doing street photography and it's best to say you work for the press. it's true, because I'm a journalist, though not a press photographer. 

She then asked me if I could take her picture. I obliged. She didn't ask for a copy, she was quite happy to have her photo taken. Maybe, it reminded her of her youth.

I actually got that photo published in the paper! It's the least I could do for someone like that.